"'God's Path through the Bible' will be a welcome addition to any believer's library, whether for quick reference or a starting point for more indepth study."

Tim Knowling
President and founder
Soldiers of the Cross Inc.
Publishers of The Evangelists Magazine

A Word from the Author


Producing ‘God’s Path Through the Bible’ was an interesting challenge I could not resist. I perceived its need many years before starting during more recent times. The script came together after several months as inspiration recurred with constant persistence. That’s how it all happened. The first copy came into being several years ago with various extras added here and there in later editions. Even now, I readily admit there is still ample room for improvement, because perfection will not be found in any man-made documents.

I advise you to first examine the index and after reading the introduction, give due attention to the PREFACE which explains why I decided to write this booklet. Many will agree that a knowledge of Bible history sequence is highly desirable to appreciate God’s great love and guidance as He directed the course of world history.

Christian bookshops supply an extensive range of interesting and useful material for our guidance and this is commendable. Material embracing the entire Scripture may at times be too detailed for some readers and perhaps a bit heavy in some cases. I say this with all due respect for those who spend many years of study and research. Their work has been helpful to many people who study the various commentaries, so let us be grateful for their dedicated work.

I decided to compile a condensed overview of the Bible and hope this will assist newcomers and others with a genuine interest in Bible history and some of the basic teachings. I concentrated on our sin, God’s love and justice and with Jesus as the central figure throughout all history. The Old Testament emphasises the promise and purpose of His coming, with the New Testament providing all evidence of this fulfilment when Jesus, true God from all eternity, became true man also, when born of Mary approximately 2,000 years ago.

I now ask you to read this material online or download the pdf and if you feel it may assist someone, I would encourage you to print and photocopy or otherwise distribute this material at your discretion, whether through the internet or physical copies,. Master hard copies are available if that makes it easier for you or you can email the pdf or link or use social media to make this material available.

Any comments from you, or advice will be appreciated. I am only a phone call away! See the contact page for my details.

With genuine and sincere greetings


Cyril Dymke